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Experts to Demystify Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing at the 71st AACC Annual Scientific Meeting

A special session at the 71st AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo will shed much-needed light on the nuances of direct-to-consumer genetic testing.

Sunday, Aug 4, 2019, 6:30pm - 7:30pm EDT


The popularity of consumer genetic testing is rising exponentially, with as many people buying these tests in 2018 as in all previous years combined. However, many consumers do not fully understand the limitations of these tests. Genes and lifestyle factors interact to influence disease risk in complex ways that at-home tests cannot yet quantify—yet many people consider results from these tests definitive, which may lead them to undergo unnecessary or even detrimental treatments.

In the session “Consumer Genomics, Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing, and Patient Empowerment,” two renowned experts will explore how the healthcare community can enable patients to benefit from the direct-to-consumer revolution while also protecting them from its potential pitfalls. The session will feature Dr. Jill Hagenkord, chief medical officer of Color Genomics (and former chief medical officer of 23andMe), who will discuss the state of consumer genomics in 2019. Dr. Theodora Ross, a geneticist who directs the high-risk cancer genetics program at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, will then delve into the hype surrounding direct-to-consumer genomics, the harms these tests can cause, and the hope for the future of this field. The session will also examine how various direct-to-consumer genetic tests differ from each other in terms of accuracy and utility, how these tests are regulated, and how they fit into patient care overall.

Find out more about this session here.

Session Location: Room 204B
Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, California

If you are interested in attending this session in person, AACC Annual Scientific Meeting registration is free for members of the media. Reporters can register online here.

To watch this session via livestreaming, register below.

Registration is closed for this event.

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