The Power to Tell



Newswise delivers news and expert pitches from more than 500 institutions directly to 7000 reporters associated with 2,200 media outlets in targeted content areas of medicine, science, health, business, and technology.

By using our expert services, members can:

  • Reach and build relationships with reporters
  • Create attention for expert lists
  • Increase brand awareness with content


When you have great news and need to reach journalists, you might distribute to your contacts, but don’t stop there. Maximize your results with Newswise. Journalists value our service and have been loyal subscribers to our wires and website for more than 20 years.


You have knowledgeable, media-friendly experts as part of your faculty, staff, or team. When they can offer valuable, credible options about breaking, current, and projected news go to Newswise Expert Pitch or Expert Spotlight.

Reporters prefer Expert Pitch or Expert Spotlight because you save them time by providing immediate, vetted, and relevant experts.

Our Clients