Why does Newswise exist?

Newswise is committed to elevating research by connecting reporters quickly and easily to the latest discoveries so that their work as journalists can benefit all mankind and the planet we call home. The way we spread knowledge as a civilization propels innovation, which leads to further prosperity and lessens inequality throughout the world.

Newswise believes in the transformative power of effective research communication. This is the cornerstone upon which Newswise was founded. While getting coverage can be challenging, the art of effective media relations is a worthwhile pursuit and a service to the greater good.

Newswise bridges the gap between research and journalists creating meaningful connections. Newswise has a mission to share stories that resonate with journalists by putting their preferences first. Because communication is not just sharing information, it’s about meeting people where they are.

We believe science writers are expert translators, turning intricate scientific concepts into accessible narratives for audiences beyond the specialized field. We recognize their importance in illuminating groundbreaking research and ensuring it doesn't languish in obscurity.

This belief is grounded in experience. Newswise was founded by a science writer who transitioned from freelance reporting to serving as a public information officer at a research institution.

We also champion the significance of journalists covering science. Their effective communication has the potential to save and enhance lives. Today’s discovery is tomorrow’s life-saving treatment, or life-changing technology. We encounter articles daily that, when communicated accurately, can bring significant personal benefits to individual lives. The promise of this positive impact fuels our drive to share news through Newswise—reaching those who may find hope and opportunity in the information we provide.

Our “Why?” is a commitment to fostering a symbiotic relationship between research, communication, and innovation, for a better tomorrow, for all.